Amazon Fresh Delivery Tip: Everything You Want!

It’s highly advised to leave a tip when placing an order from a grocery delivery service, like Amazon Fresh. Since $5 is the customary amount to tip an Amazon Fresh delivery driver, you should always leave at least $5. So, should you tip the drivers or not? There is no clear-cut solution; it all depends on how well the driver performs and how much you value it. In this article, we will talk about whether you should tip Amazon fresh delivery and how much you should tip. Read on and find the answers.
Amazon Tips
Let’s look at what tips are and where they came from before we discuss Amazon tips.
A tip also referred to as a gratuity, is money paid to some service providers on top of the service’s base price.
The word “tip” is actually an acronym that stands for “To Insure Promptness.“ Tips can be given to taxi drivers, hotel maids, and, as I’ll discuss today, Amazon Fresh delivery drivers. However, tips are most frequently given to servers in restaurants.
It’s believed that medieval England is where the custom of tipping first emerged. At this time, it was customary for inn guests to leave “vails” (tips) for the staff members who looked after them while they were there.
In America, this custom eventually spread, and by the late 18th century, tipping in restaurants was customary there.
Should You Tip Amazon Fresh Delivery
You might be unsure of whether to tip your delivery person if you use Amazon Fresh to have your groceries delivered. The short answer is that you should tip the Amazon Fresh delivery driver. Here’s why:
To deliver your groceries to you on time and in good shape, your delivery person is working extremely hard. They should be paid for their labor.
Additionally, Amazon’s policy states that tips are optional, so drivers cannot count on getting paid for their work.
So, if you don’t tip, your driver might not make as much money as they could. Your tip could go a long way toward ensuring that they are able to continue offering excellent service.
Of course, every rule has an exception. You should not tip in the following circumstances:

- If the driver did a poor job and you made a complaint to Amazon about their service
- If your order was canceled or delayed and it was the driver’s fault
- If you received damaged items and it was the driver’s fault
- If the driver was rude or careless
However, it is generally advised to give your Amazon Fresh delivery driver a tip. They put in a lot of effort to get your groceries to you, and they will be grateful. Of course, the choice to tip or not is ultimately yours.
How Much Should You Tip Amazon Fresh Delivery
The suggested tip for Amazon Fresh is $5. This is the justification for the $5 automatic tip that is added at checkout. But it’s possible to modify or even remove this. Consider 15% as the starting point and 20% as the average when changing the tip from the predetermined amount.
When using Amazon Fresh services, keep in mind that the people delivering your items are similar to wait staff in a restaurant. They also provide customer service and rely on client tips.
You should follow the same policy when using Amazon Fresh as the majority of diners would when tipping their waiter or waitress!
Because this is the case, a 15-20% tip is suggested for delivery drivers because this is the amount that would be left over after eating out.
Additionally, keep in mind that delivery drivers earn a meager hourly wage and rely heavily on tips from customers when deciding how much to tip your delivery person.
As a result, it is strongly advised that you give your driver a tip in order to support paying each Amazon Fresh employee a fair wage.
How To Tip Amazon Fresh Delivery Drivers
Giving tips to Amazon Fresh delivery personnel is simple!
It’s important to pay attention to your tip amount at the checkout when shopping on Amazon Fresh. The steps listed below can be used if you’re unsure how to check this:
- Start your Amazon Fresh shopping after logging into your account.
- When you’re ready to check out, go to the cart in the upper right corner of your screen.
- Once your shipping address and payment details have been entered, you can proceed with the checkout process and see the price layout.
- Look to the bottom of your price layout, and you’ll see where it says “Tip”
- If you don’t choose to alter your tip amount, the amount that will be processed will automatically be $5.
Remember that the checkout screen allows you to adjust the dollar amount of your tip. You have the option to decrease, eliminate, or increase the tip as you see fit.
Do Amazon Fresh Drivers See Tips
The amount of tips that each customer has left is hidden from Amazon Fresh drivers. Instead, the tip subtotal is only visible to drivers at the end of each day; the customer is not given a breakdown. Customers’ privacy is protected, and it is made possible for drivers to access their tips every day.
It’s normal for an Amazon Fresh customer to be wary of the drivers seeing their tip before the delivery gets to them.
Amazon protects the privacy of its customers by preventing drivers from seeing how much each one tipped.
At the end of each day, the tip subtotal is displayed so that drivers can see how much they made in tips without having to look at the individual tip increments or the customers who left tips versus those who didn’t.
Who Gets The Tip For Amazon Fresh
Your groceries will be delivered by an Amazon Fresh driver, who will be compensated. If you regularly see your delivery driver, they will appreciate it if you leave them a tip each time they make a delivery to you.
Although Amazon does have a policy in place requiring that tips be split among the drivers on a shift, this only applies when there are multiple drivers working at once. Thus, the driver who works the entire shift gets to keep all the tips if there is only one.
The Amazon drivers receive the entire tip, though. You can be sure that your hard-earned money is going entirely to the person who delivered your groceries because Amazon does not retain any of the money.